Six Basic Yoga Poses for Beginners
The body has a complete mechanism to keep it healthy and internally clean but the modern lifestyle and feeding habits...

An Ideal Hatha Yoga Sequence for Beginners
Taking the first step towards a sincere yoga practice can be quite overwhelming. With an array of forms and styles en...

Top 7 Health Benefits of Pranamasana Prayer Pose
Pranamasana or Prayer Pose is a simple standing yoga posture that marks the beginning and end of a yoga practice. Bec...

How to Strengthen Your Back with Yoga
It’s been two years now that I have been practicing yoga. It was easy for me to come to the conclusion that str...

Guide to Starting a Home Yoga Practice
Not everyone can join yoga courses. The reason could be anything; maybe because strangers make them uncomfortable, bu...

Yoga Poses for Kids
From celebrities to athletes and common people, Yoga is now a part of most of the adult’s lifestyle because of...

Yoga therapy for blood pressure
It is essential that we recognize stress, which is accompanying us everywhere we set our foot. From boardrooms to bed...

Best Foods for Digestion Problems
Happiness a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion. Jean Jacques Rousseau
It is said...

Health Benefits of Bhastrika Pranayama or Bellows Breath
While asana purifies the body and dhyana works on the soul, prana works towards the mind. The mind is a poten...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Brahmacharyasana Celibates Pose
Don’t let the name of the posture throw you off! Brahmacharyasana or the Celibate’s Pose is one of the ea...
Blog Post
10 Tips to Fully Immerse into Yoga
Learning about the age-old yoga discipline isn’t easy. Even the yoga masters have practiced yoga for ages to at...

7 Incredible Health Benefits of Locust Pose Shalabhasana
Shalabhasana is a back-bending Yoga exercise that is practiced in the reclining position. It is also known as Grassho...

Top 7 Health Benefits of Kukkutasana Cockerel Pose
Asanas are an integral part of the yoga practice, and many of us mistake it as yoga itself. Many of the yoga poses ar...

Top 7 Health Benefits of Anahatasana Heart Melting Pose
What motivates you to do Yoga everyday or any exercise for that matter? A fitness journey is never about correcting a...
