What Are The Most Important Yoga Accessories
Yoga is refreshing, enormously stimulating. It is one of the most beneficial practices for the complete healt...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Kandharasana Shoulder Pose
Kandharasana is a backbending exercise that is extremely popular among young population and ladies. The asana is asso...

Lifestyle Changes That Help Prevent Back Pain
Maintaining a good posture goes a long way to help relieve back pain. It is important that you engage in some physica...

Health Benefits of Surya Namaskar
Looking for a simple, fun and less time-consuming way that provides a range of amazing health benefits? Give...

Top Reasons to Practice Restorative Yoga
Working for long hours, sweating full of buckets at the gym, suffering from a personal set back and feeling a bit low...

Top 5 Amazing Benefits of Yoga
While watching yoga pictures or yoga workout videos, most people assume yoga to be a hippie-type of workout that invo...

Top 6 Reasons to Take a Yoga Teacher Training in India
Heard about the life-changing benefits of yoga a lot and now planning to immerse in the yogic world? Enroll for a yog...

Chair Yoga Poses
“Yoga”, hearing this word, do you imagine supple, flexible people bending, stretching, and moving their b...

Mantras for Surya Namaskar
Every day when we wake up, we hope for our day to go well. We pray for a bright, shining day. One of the delightful w...

5 Poses to Re energize Yourself at the Work
On the very first day at the workplace, full of passion, energy, vigour, excitement and enthusiasm, we are determined...
Blog Post
Top 5 Health Benefits of Anjaneyasana Low Lunge Pose
According to Hindu Mythology, Anjaneyasana or Low Lunge Pose is believed to be the pose of Hanuman (aide of Ram in Ra...

5 Steps to Set Your Yoga Practice Up for Success
Starting a yoga practice isn’t that easy. It takes commitment; passion, discipline and an aim to begin with. Th...

10 Popular Styles of Yoga
Yoga is a science of miracle and vastness. It contains both physical and spiritual practices. Yoga styles are one of...

Top 5 Interesting Facts of Yoga in Gurgaon
Gurgaon is a popular city and a major financial hub of India. Thanks to its location in the proximity of national cap...
