5 Steps to Set Your Yoga Practice Up for Success
Starting a yoga practice isn’t that easy. It takes commitment; passion, discipline and an aim to begin with. Though, in the initial stages you may feel stressed out and frustrated but, the trick lies in sticking to your schedule and coming back to the mat day after day. Once you make it a habit, you’ll start to realize the profound effects of yoga across various aspects – physical, mental and spiritual. It is always a good idea to keep it simple at first and don’t let yourself be overwhelmed with too many thoughts.
Whether you are interested in self-practice at home or want to take part in a yoga training course, follow these steps to improve as a Yoga practitioner and make your beginning a successful one.
Go ahead with gentle poses
Many people who start doing Yoga get attracted to intense poses like Pincha Mayurasana, Bakasana, Natarajasana, etc. These advanced exercises look fascinating but take a lot of toll on the body. The poses also have the ability to tire you instantly and you might feel short of inspiration. It is very important for a new practitioner to focus on gentle Yoga poses in the beginning and upgrade his/her level with time. There are a number of Yoga poses that are extremely facile to perform and are ideal to get going. If you are about to practice Yoga at home, Tadasana, Trikonasana Adho Mukha Svanasana, Baddha Konasana, etc. are some of the poses, to begin with. These poses need little guidance and you can practice them by watching the sequences on YouTube as well.
Maintain regularity in practice
One of the most important things in every aspect of life is regularity. If you are not consistent in your approach, success is most likely to stay away from you. It hardly matters whether you are perfect in asanas or not. Consistency not only improves your way of doing Yoga but also makes the practice interesting. It is recommended to make Yoga an integral part of your life without finding a reason to skip the practice even for a single day. If you have enrolled yourself in a Yoga class, get ready to attend the sessions each and every day with the same enthusiasm.
Follow your trainer
One of the greatest aspects of an ideal Yoga practitioner is to follow what his/her teacher has to say. More than anybody, teachers will guide you to remain positive during the practice. In a Yoga studio, the trainer has a sharp focus on each of his students. He/she knows which practice is good for a particular aspirant. You should try to be in constant touch with your teacher and ask for suggestions to improve your practice. You will enjoy the exercise when you do Yoga in the right way with proper guidance from a well-qualified trainer. Self-practice is an indispensable part of Yoga and one should be very keen to repeat the asanas that are taught by the instructor in the Yoga class.
Practice breathing
Breathing is one of the most significant aspects of Yoga. According to Yoga, breathing is not just an act of taking in oxygen and exhaling carbon-dioxide. It is the basis of life and the generator of pranic force. When you focus more on breathing-based Yoga practice, the mind remains calm and clear. You are advised to begin your sessions with a few minutes of Pranayama to set the tone for a healthy performance. In daily life, the practice helps in the purification of blood and keeps the body warm.
Listen to your limits
Yoga is a spiritual science, which sponsors calmness. It is all about celebrating what the body can do without over-exceeding your limits. Yoga should be as pleasant as possible. There is no place for challenging others or being challenged by them. The ancient science of Yoga teaches us to challenge our own abilities. It is quite okay to extend your boundaries but not to a level where it starts hurting you. If you are watching the flawless aspirant next to you and imitating him/her, you might not be able to push your body to that level. And guess what, this is perfectly all right, according to Yoga. The ancient discipline is different for everybody. You should stop pushing your boundary as soon as the body gives an indication of some sort of discomfort.
Meet Our Yoga Teachers

Devender Bhardwaj


Gabriele (Gaby) Alscher

Amit Kumar
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