Top 10 health benefits of Dhanurasana Bow Pose
Several people relate the science of yoga with the gymnastics of the body because the system requires the practitioners to move their body in different forms. However, yoga is not the art of contortion, it is the artwork of a graceful body. Within a graceful body exists a graceful mind and in a graceful mind a graceful Self-evolves, and in a graceful Self, the divine persists.
Patanjali’s Yoga treats to grace the body with asanas, the postures. He instructs that yoga postures are the foundation to attain the deeper and higher grace of the body, mind, and soul.
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) resembling an archer’s bow is a beneficial pose for the whole body as it empowers the individual to overcome all the fears.
Physically, stretching the shoulders and opening the chest, mentally energizing and enlightening, the bow posture offers a body an amazing stretch, mystical strength, and gentle massage.
Practice the modified dhanurasana (bow pose) and reap its multiple rewards. Take a look at the steps below:
1. Lie flat on your stomach with the chin on a Yoga mat and hands by your side.
2. Bend your knees while keeping them hip-width apart. Raise your heels close to your hips.
3. Loop a strap around your ankles and hold it firmly with your hands.
4. Inhale, lift your heels higher, drift the thighs away from the yoga mat, and keep your inner calves together.
5. Make sure your chest, head, and upper torso are raised off the floor.
6. Gaze forward and hold this pose for 30 seconds.
7. To release, gently lower your thighs, legs, upper body back to the floor and relax.
Here are top 10 benefits of bow pose that you can relish through a correct and committed practice of Dhanurasana. Please a take a glance at the benefits below:
1. Produces Happy Hormones: A regular practice of bow posture is effective in lowering the production of stress hormone ‘cortisol’ and increasing the development of happy chemicals like endorphin and dopamine. The release of good mental hormones stimulates the nervous system and helps a person experience relaxation and peace.
2. Decreases Abdominal Fat: If you are on a lookout for an effective method to lose belly fat and to manifest a toned body then make it a habit to practice dhanurasana. Bow posture stretches the abdominal organs and oblique muscles thus reducing fat-buildup around the stomach and granting a well-trained look.
3. Flexible Hip Joints: Our hips suffer a lot due to constant sitting, buildup emotions, etc. Bow pose is an excellent choice to stretch and open the hips. The yoga asana also decreases tightness in the hips and glutes and rewards a highly flexible posterior.
4. Cure For Fatigue: Dhanurasana is an amazing yoga pose that yoga practitioners can include in their health regimen for instant energy. The bow pose enhances the respiration process, circulation of oxygen to the vital organs, and activates the solar plexus that restores the function of nervous system and improves the overall vitality.
5. Better Digestion: A healthy digestive system is essential for a robust physique. And, bow posture is a key to maintaining a strong digestive fire. The asana gently massages internal digestive organs which further aids in a better absorption of the nutrients and digestion.
6. Enhances Heart Health: The practice of dhanurasana with right technique pushes the diaphragm toward the heart and this process enhances the functioning of the heart. The pose also lowers hypertension thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular attacks, strokes, etc.
7. Treats Back Pain: Many of us face a backache, neck pain, shoulder stiffness, and so much more owing to the inactive lifestyle, negligence, and constant hunching. The bow posture stretches the upper body, opens the chest, and strengthens the upper back that providing relief from an excruciating backache and neck pain.
8. Activates Manipura Chakra: The bow pose harmonizes the Manipura energy center located in the navel region. The chakra is a powerhouse of confidence, self-esteem, and the seat of the pancreas and digestive system. By activating chakra, it helps you become confident and healthy in life.
9. Promotes Height Growth: The bow pose stretches the spine and creates space between the vertebrates. The optimal regulation of the spinal fluid helps promote height in the individuals.
10. Rehabilitation Navel Displacement: The bow pose is effective in treating the problem of navel dislocation and associated problems of constipation.
Achieve a strong physical body, peaceful mind, energized soul, and enhanced living through the practice of Dhanurasana (Bow Pose).
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