Top 7 Health Benefits of Anjaneyasana Low Lunge Pose
“Asana is perfect firmness of body, steadiness of intellect, and benevolence of spirit.”- B.K.S. Iyengar
Asanas hold great importance in the yogic journey. The third limb of the eight fold path of Ashtanga, – the most known limb and often interpreted as Yoga itself. Asana is a Sanskrit word, and the root meaning is a comfortable seat that says a lot about its original intent. As per the ancient learning, asanas are described as seated postures that prepare us for meditation balancing the body, mind, and soul.
Yoga emphasizes on maintaining body health at first, as then only one can reach the ultimate goal of enlightenment. Asanas aim at keeping the body healthy, mind in balance, soul at peace and integrates emotions. Balance is required to stay healthy, though it is challenging but inspiring at the same time.
With the practice of one of the powerful asanas named Anjaneyasana, you can maintain balance and health crediting to the benefits of low lunge pose.
Anjaneyasana or Low Lunge Pose
A basic Vinyasa Flow Pose, Anjaneyasana is named after Anjani – mother of Hindu God Hanuman who is also called Anjaneya. Hanuman is Ram’s aide in the Hindu Mythology and believed to be an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Hanuman is known for their strength, dedication, courage, power, and valor, and practicing the pose imbibes the similar features in the practitioner.
The pose stretches out the tight muscles of the lower body and encourages a full range of motion. Perfect for athletes and for those with a desk job, Anjaneyasana is packed with a lot of health benefits.
Here are the steps to practice the asana and list of benefits of Low Lunge Pose.
Health Benefits of Anjaneyasana
- Enhance Lower Body Flexibility and Strength
The pose is highly beneficial for the lower body, as it strongly engages the hips, thighs, quadriceps, groin, and hamstrings. This facilitates deep stretching and enhances the range of motion that makes the area strong and flexible. Regular practice of the asana also leads to improved flexibility, increases circulation, improves posture, reduces stress and prevents the risk of injury.
- Beneficial for Heart Chakra
Benefits of Low Lunge Pose are many, especially its ability to opening the shoulders, lungs, and chest. The asana proves to be an amazing heart opening exercise benefiting the heart center or Anahata Chakra. It unlocks the Anahata Energy rewarding us with improved breathing, increased circulation, better prana flow, and more.
- Relives Sciatica and Strengthens the Spine
Spinal health condition is common these days, especially to people with a sedentary lifestyle. Sciatica is one such issue, and this pose proves to be therapeutic in reducing sciatica pain and relieves you from the excruciating pain of sciatica in the leg. The bend during the practice of the asana makes the spine mobile, strong and treats related conditions.
- Bring Awareness and Build Mental Focus
Not only physical health improvisation, but the health benefits of Anjaneyasana also reaches your mind as well making it more aware and focused. The pose brings awareness and builds mental focus that improves attention of the present moment, enhances mental strength, improves concentration, stabilizes emotions and forms a stronger body and mind connection.
- Massages Abdominal Organs
Highly beneficial for the abdomen region, low lunge pose creates a wonderful opening for the abdominal organs by enhancing its functioning which leads to effective digestion, weight loss, relaxation, toning of the muscles of the abdomen and more. The asana also improves reproduction function, enhances fertility and alleviates menstrual discomfort.
- Re-energize the Body
With the regular practice of the pose, you sense an enhanced flow of energy in the body. This makes your body active, reducing stress, fatigue and anxiety and makes you feel good and happy.
- Activates the Functioning of the Thyroid Gland
Not many people are aware of the fact, but the asana gives a great stretch to the neck muscles around the thyroid region which activates the right functioning of the gland giving a boost to metabolic functioning in the body.
How to Perform Anjaneyasana?
- Start with being in Downward Facing Dog Pose.
- Now on exhalation, put your left foot forward and place it besides the left hand.
- Ensure that your left knee and ankle are in one line.
- Now lower the right knee and place it on the floor behind your hips.
- Inhale, lift the torso and then raise your arms upward over the head.
- Make sure the biceps are placed next to your ears and the palms are facing each other.
- Exhale and then move your hands backward giving a gentle and slight arc to your back.
- Hold the pose for a while, release, come back to the starting position, and perform the same steps switching the legs.
Providing a strong sense of balance, the pose deepens yoga practice bestowing a wonderful opening sensation to your upper body. Anjaneyasana is amazing if practiced daily and makes you feel refreshed and energized.
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