The Health Benefits of Yoga in Morning
Aside from the financial security, social status, loving relationships– one of the main goals of any living bei...

Top 10 Excellent Benefits of Padmasana Lotus Pose
Originating in meditative practices of India, Padmasana is a cross-legged yoga posture. The arrangement of hands and...

The Best Cross Legged Yoga Poses Asanas
For healthy movements and mobility, it is imperative that the body organs of knees, hips, ankles, and legs are thorou...

Top 5 Health Benefits of Hamasasana Swan Pose
The deep stretching and hip opening that can be practiced for increased health and as a preparatory pose for Mayurasa...

7 Excellent Benefits of Bhadrasana Gracious Pose
In the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Bhadrasana (Gracious pose) is listed as one of the four meditative postures. The...

The Health Benefits of Bakasana
Wish you had a pair of really strong arms and an enduring shoulder to carry the weight of the world? Relax, the weigh...

The Health Benefits of Gomukhasana Cow Face Pose
As a basic-intermediate level seated yoga posture, Gomukhasana helps open the shoulders and hips resulting in...

Top 5 Health benefits of Malasana Garland Pose
Malasana comes from a Sanskrit word “Mala” meaning garland, thus translating to Garland Pose, in...

Top 7 Health Benefits of Garudasana Eagle Pose
Yoga is a beautiful practice, a practice for a healthful living and positive thinking. From the mental aspect of life...

Steps and Health Benefits of Mayurasana Peacock Pose
Adjoin the mind, body and soul with the practice of the holistic science of life. Yoga is a transformative journey th...
Blog Post
Top 5 Excellent Benefits of Virabhadrasana Warrior Pose
A person of courage, discipline, commitment, faith, compassion, endurance, strength, and skill– The war...

7 Benefits of Baddha konasana Butterfly Pose
Counteract the ill-effects of modern living that is plagued by inactiveness, stress, emotional instability, and so mu...

Top 7 Yoga Poses for Thyroid Treatment
Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism is a common name heard in many households. This disorder has been following the lea...

The 5 Best Yoga Poses to Cure Constipation
If you are among the many who think that the science of yoga is an effectual practice only for reducing stress, incre...
